Young Children, Parents, and Mobile Device Use: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed-Method Study of Parental Burnout, Parental Mediation Strategies, Mindfulness, and Children's Self-Regulation
Institution/Organisation: International Islamic University Malaysia
Brief description of Research: Hi everyone! I am Raihan, a postgraduate student from International Islamic University Malaysia. The main objective of this study is to examine parental burnout and how it affects working parents’ responsibilities (i.e., parental mediation strategies) and children’s development (i.e., children's self-regulation); along with examining a particular parental trait as a potential solution to reduce the impact of parental burnout towards parental mediation strategies. This survey will take around 15 minutes to answer.
Some of the criteria are:-
(i) Malaysian
(ii) Dual-working parents
(iii) Has at least one child ranging from 0 to 6 years old
Link to survey: -
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Malay version:
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If you happen to know anyone that fits the criteria, do share this survey to them. Thank you and have a nice day.☺️