Hi all, I am Danial, currently completing Master of Clinical Psychology at UKM.
I would like to invite you to participate in my thesis project on "Exploring the use of metacognition and inner speech in adults".
You will be required to: - Fill in online questionnaires (last up to 30 minutes) - Sit for a brief online interview talking about yourself (FULLY OPTIONAL)
To participate, you must: - Be 18 years old and above - Have not experienced any hallucination or/and delusion over the past six months
If you are interested, please do fill in the survey below: https://forms.gle/mumqz1SSpxgwhUUG9
Thank you very much for your time and please do share this around to further our understanding about the mind!!!
p.s. If you have any further questions, feel free to email me at p102151@siswa.ukm.edu.my or Whatsapp at +601113382402.