Good day! My name is Adeline and I'm a postgraduate student from University Malaya, undergoing my Masters education in Professional Counselling.
Microaggressions on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual (LGB) Adults and Their Coping Strategies in Klang Valley
Institution/Organisation: University Malaya
Brief description of Research: To understand the microaggressions faced by lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults as well as its influence on their mental health. The study procedure involves a 60-90 minutes focus group discussion and I'm currently gathering participants that fit the criteria:
If you identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual; between the ages 20 to 39; and currently residing within the Klang Valley area, you are invited to take part in this study.
If interested, complete this survey to proceed:
For more questions, contact via: Whatsapp - 010-2770813/ Email -